
Wednesday mornings 10.30am, meeting weekly during term time.

"Dig deeper"

A recent poll suggests that 50% of people in Britain think that Jesus never existed, and therefore that the Bible is presumably full of fairy tales! Join us on a journey of discovery!

This lively and enthusiastic group enjoy coffee and a chat before embarking on Bible Study, teaching, and discussion on topics of their own choice or studies in the New Testament, and some from the Old. No questions or subjects are off piste! We look at difficult questions regarding the Christian faith and study letters of Paul, Peter, John, and the Book of Revelation, the Acts of the Apostles. In each case we have found remarkable lessons for our everyday lives as Christians in a modern community.

               You are warmly invited to join this group!

Contact Ian or Ellie Bensted (tel: 820896 or 07837-180817, e-mail: bensted@easynet.co.uk) for further details.

Fyfield, Tubney and Kingston Benefice

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